Old school miami gay bars

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I have a prized copy, and I can tell you that the pics and poetry are priceless if you dig this stuff. Together they create a 1%er’s masterpiece that is truly one of a kind. And Sorez’s biker poetry throttles, brakes, and pulls no punches. Q-Ball’s images make you feel like a fly on the wall– knee deep in the mud, the blood, and the beer.

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Photographer Doug Barber (AKA Q-Ball), and poet Sorez the Scribe’s “Living The Life” is an honest and straight-up look into the old school biker lifestyle (fetishized by many youngins today) that’s so achingly gritty and real– it has every newbie with a murdered-out custom and a half helmet tripping over each other trying to co-opt its badass-ery.

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